I can honestly say that Beth has been the most amazing gift to our family, and especially to her big sister Poppy. There is not a sister in the world that could love Beth as much as she does, she is her protector, her comedian, her cheerer upper, her hugger, her best friend.

Poppy was never interested in doing the reading programme that we did with Beth, and we respected that. But she still observed on occasion and she flew through her first year at school with her reading skills, and we believe she absorbed an awful lot, just by having it surround her.

When Beth was very young we purchased a brachiation ladder from Naturally Better Kids, and Poppy used it constantly, we now also have a trapeze which is in constant use as well! Poppy is now an amazing gymnast, and we could not be more proud of her. She has only been in formal lessons for a year but the change in her is incredible!
Beth has taught her patience (most of the time...), compassion, and taught all of us how to celebrate the small stuff.
We now have a new addition to the family. Eleanor Rose was born last year and has settled in wonderfully to our little unit. She is much adored and loved by her sisters, and Poppy is just the most wonderful second Mum to Ellie, she is just adorable with her. I feel truly blessed to have my three little girls.
Witnessing those sibling relationships develop is such an amazing part of motherhood. I agree - Nicholas is so lucky to have his two big brothers to chase around, but they are lucky to have him too. Your three girls are beautiful. PS. Thought of you when we did the second lecture at IAHP and they talked about the Timmermans starting the swimming program x